Review Database Assignment

The last couple of weeks we had a database assingment in which we had to create tables in adminer and then using PHP code put them on a list on the page and also make a insert in which you can put your own data and add them to the list and database. We got a video as explanation and some commands.

I had some trouble with this assignment, I had a hard time getting started and it took a long time before I flipped the switch in my head. With some help from other people and a lot of trying and irritations, I finally succeeded and that honestly made me really glad. I think I definetly learned something and look forward towards the next project! Now I will score myself:

DataBaseI had some doubts here, because I did more than make a “simple” table for juichs. I made both the Employee and juichs table and I think it is easy to make more tables, but I can’t really work with foreign keys, because I don’t know how they work. So I would actually give myself an 8 in this field.
PHP code I made multiple inserts and also added CSS code. Both tables work and you are able to add new rows to the list. To my opinion it looks really taken care of and I am really satisfied with my prestation.

Following this I would have 8 + 9 = 17 / 2 = 8.5 as a grade. I think this is a fair grade and I would be very happy with it. Now I will insert the link from my site and insert some images of the database:

This is a table I made up myself, I will maybe also process this and put into my web page.
The “Employee” table
The “juichs” table
Some data from the “juichs” table