| grade | reasoning |
appearance | 8 | i think my website is reasonably well customised and catered to what i want of it. i haven’t put any crazy fonts in as i like the font that is already a choice in wordpress especially for someone who has some trouble with reading i like having a simplistic font and this one works well for me. some people suggested i try the special dyslexia font however when i changed it to the dyslexia font i fount out that it absolutely does not work for me an dis possibly one of the worst fonts for me to read so i changed it back to the regular font (sans-serif) |
navigation/ structure | 7 | my menu shows all it should show and i think its a non intrusive way to show it all, i have multiple categories that i use to file my work under so that i can find it later on down the line and a main page that shows all of my posts |
content | 7 | i personally don’t like posting what i did in a day cause i usually keep changing things as i work on it and i often forget to post about it, i am doing my best to show more of the lesson to lesson stuff but personally i prefer showcasing the part of my project when i finish it and then showing how i got to that point instead of having a hundred and one posts saying i changed the colour on something and i wrote a new line of code. this does mean that my page is reasonably empty and it is a bit difficult to see how long i work on things so i am going to make a nother category where i post shorter bits every lesson on-top of my longer fished project postes to get the best of both worlds |
admin/ security | 9 | i have turend on two factor authentication and a strong randomly generated password, i have a VPN turend on at all times so i think my security is about as good as should be for a small website with nothing valuable stored on it, if not ever so slightly overkill |
Final grade | | 8.5 |