Embeds and code snooping
i didn’t do anything useful today to be honest, im still trying to figure out how to embed things from wordpress and i think i might have finally found it. word press will only embed links from sources on a whitelist for security reasons so if p5.js is add to the white list we should be able to embed those.
i’ve also been busy trying to get the trippy robot file to add tot that post but uploading those files is a bit tricky so when you click on the link posted in their scrapbook you don’t actually go tot the pj.5s file, you just go to the browser preview. this is still good though cause from the browser preview means that there is an actual file. so if you click on the link and then inspect the canvas you get to see the pages HTML code. now if you don’t know how these things work you might still be confused and befuddled but within the Inspect page there is a tab that says “sources”and if you do a second of snooping you can find the code that makes the p5.js file tick so iff you look inbetween the HTML5 code serounding that code you can copy paste the code and you can make a new file with that code.
this method is very convoluted and absolutely a massive detour, ill also honestly say that it took me embarrassingly long to find this but now maybe next time i can do it in a second.