Edabit puzzels oplossingen

Hier zijn de oplossingen van de 15 opgaven die ik heb gemaakt.
Ik ben niet echt tegen problemen aangelopen en ik hoefde niet 1x te cheaten!

  1. How Edabit works

function returnTrue() {
return true;

2. Return the sum of 2 numbers

function addition($a, $b) {
Return $a + $b;

3. Return the next number

function addition($num) {
return $num +1;

4. Convert minutes into seconds

function convert($minutes) {
return $minutes * 60;


5. Return something to me!

function giveMeSomething($a) {
Return "something ". $a;

6. Area of a triangle

function triArea($base, $height) {
return $base * $height / 2;

7. Maximum edge of a triangle

function triArea($base, $height) {
return $base * $height / 2;

8. Convert age to days

function calcAge($age) {
return $age/365;

9. LesserThanOrEqualToZero

function lessThanOrEqualToZero($num) {
if($num > 0){ return false;} else {return true;}

10. Return first element in an array

function getFirstValue($array) {
return $array[0];

11. The && operator

function andCompare($a, $b) {
if ($a && $b){return true;}else{return false;}

13. FPS

function frames($minutes, $fps) {
return $fps * 60 * $minutes;

14.Perimeter of a rectangle

function findPerimeter($length, $width) {
return 2 * $length + 2 * $width;

15. Convert hours and minutes into seconds

function convert($hours, $minutes) {
return $hours * 3600 + $minutes * 60;