House style project Grading

this is my evaluation of the house style project.

this includes my Logo and a Mood-board

effort / progress8i showed my in between steps and reasons for making the choices that i did, i showed the variations i could have choose and explained what the issue was with the other alternatives
branding concept8although i don’t necessarily have alternative styles i do have alternatives and i didi mention the reasons why i decided against those mood boards. i think my choices of lettering and demographic were well constructed and i am happy with the overal feel of my style.
logo9i made 13 different versions of my logo and choose the one i deemed the best, i showed my inspiration and why i choose certain colours and styles. my logo meets my set criteria and is a high quality image that can be made big enough for any plausible circumstance with out loosing the clear lines. it also stays recognisable even at a much smaler scale like the logo on a tab or a profile picture.
projects 8i made a few different project namely, my website, teams profile picture and a powerpoint template that all form a homogeneous whole. i think it makes for a good matching set and i think that these few projects create a good template anyone could use to make any other project or style that might be necessary in the future
Final grade8.5