Please Touch Everything – Microsoft Pain

These are the final rubrics for my projects in LA2 Please Touch Everything – Microsoft Pain

progress9I always make my assignments way more complicated than they need to be, all my projects are scalable so no matter the size of your screen or window is you always have the project in the largest size possible for your screen. this requires quite some extra work and a fair amount of mental gymnastics. Not only is the game useable with any and all screen sizes i have made both games ascetically pleasing and user friendly, this all takes quite some time. especially the light game has had a lot of work put into it visually as i added multiple different sprites, sound effects and custom fonts, i am currently even working to get the entirety of my IT wordpress page onto a server outside of wordpress where both games will also be.
The light switch game9a lot of work has gone into this game, i have a score counter, 13 buttons, 10 lights, a “win” screen with a matching sound effect, it is visually appealing, it has a restart button, a definite correct answer and it all fits together.
Microsoft paint9i have an eraser, complex brushes, 10 preset colours, a random colour picker, brush size toggelabel by number keys, a website outside of wordpress(but still linked in wordpress), it is ascetically pleasing, it all works together both functionally and visually and i have a button (floppydisk style) to download the image so i think that counts as a compleet rendition of paint.
writing prompt9
Op de dag van de deadline:
Was ik op de helft van de opdrachtenMoest ik alleen het optionele project nogHad ik alle opdrachten af en de zelfbeoordelingWas ik al bij de volgende unitIk doe de opdrachten in extra uitgebreide vorm die zeker 2x de tijd kost en features gebruikt die we eigenlijk niet gehad hadden.

2.3 Mini-Project Light Switch Game

Je puzzelt zelf nog op een puzzelJe hebt een puzzel met een werkende oplossing met 6 schakelaars. Noteer de oplossing op je pagina.* Deze game ziet er appealing uit door alle design extra’s
* Win-scherm
Keep score incl what happens after clicking too many fails. 1:
Meets 4 basic req’s
Level 2:
5 buttons, draw on mouseclick only, random colour button
Level 3: eraser / clear /complex brushes / website (outside wordpress)

writing prompt (1x)
= schrijf-opdracht

failedWhy use this thing?Instructions for usage are usable.Persuasive reasoning [overtuigende uitleg] why you made these choices